Sudokkho strengthened private sector engagement in the TVET system to cater to the needs of poor people and make it more inclusive. The approach supported the Government of Bangladesh’s reform process in the TVET sector, as articulated in the Skills Vision 201610 (the Vision). With the approval of National Skills Development Policy 2011, the Government of Bangladesh is making significant progress towards developing a market-oriented training system.
The Vision lays a robust foundation for the country to improve the quality of technical and vocational education and training which is essential for Bangladesh’s competitiveness in global export markets and in ensuring decent work for its people.
Sudokkho stimulated private sector investments in training to be accessible for poor people to reach scale and sustainability. The diagram above shows the programme’s focus areas. Sudokkho supported PTPs and Industry-based training initiatives (supply-side strengthening) and raise awareness about the value of skills development among the trainees and industry (demand-side stimulation). As a private sector skills training focussed programme, Sudokkho tested and scaled-up alternatives to existing skills training systems within the RMG and Construction sectors to bring lasting change among the relevant actors.