There are over 5,500 RMG factories in Bangladesh, and this number is rising with an average annual growth rate of 12% while RMG sector contributes 18% to GDP growth. 40% (4.4 million) of the industrial or 6% of the total workforce is directly employed in the RMG sector and 70% of workers are women. Typically, RMG factories are segmented into two subsectors: 1) knitwear, which also includes sweaters and 2) woven. Both subsectors are fully export oriented.
In the RMG sector, Sudokkho focused on partnerships with international buyers, brands and retailers and also with groups of companies. Factories were nominated by these partners to participate in the programme.
The construction industry is labor-intensive and provides many jobs for skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workers both in the formal and informal sectors. The job seekers from rural areas migrating to cities often find the construction work as an easy option for their urban livelihoods. Housing and Real Estate sector (building construction) is a key part of the construction sector. Most of the labour force engaged in the construction sector is basically engaged in the housing and building construction activities.
The two factors which made the construction sector interesting for Sudokkho were:
The potential direct beneficiaries of Sudokkho are: