Manuela Kälbling

Advisor Monitoring & Results Measurement 

Products & Solutions

Field experience
Burkina Faso, Rwanda, Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Niger, Morocco, Mozambique, Nepal

German, English, French

Focus areas

  • Designing of Theory of Change, Logframes, Results Chains, Indicators
  • Development or MRM Tools for data collection, storage, processing and visualization (e.g. digitalizing MRM systems – on project and organizational level)
  • Designing and implementing specific studies and analysis (e.g. impact assessments, overall project evaluations, economic and financial analysis such as cost-benefit analysis, etc.)
  • Capacity building / training of MRM staff and project teams

Reference projects

2018 - 2028
Weiterbildung und Umschulung, Arbeitsmarktintegration
Skills to Build
Mid-term evaluation of the project.
2021 - 2028
Coaching für selbstständige Arbeit: Eingliederung in den Arbeitsmarkt für benachteiligte junge Männer und Frauen
Support in development of the MRM System and capacity building.
2020 - 2025
Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft
Sahaj - Landwirtschaftliches Marktentwicklungsprogramm
Review of MRM System, capacity building of project team.
2009 - 2020
Burkina Faso
Development of digital MRM System, MRM field officer, support in mid-term evaluation of the project.
2012 - 2022
Burundi, Ruanda, DR Kongo
Berufliche Erstausbildung
Förderung marktorienteriter Ausbildung in der Region der Grossen Seen (PROMOST)
Development of digital MRM System, capacity building in MRM, continuous backstopping support in MRM.
Switzerland SECO MRM Mandate
Advisory for the development of the MRM System for the SECO mandate to improve Swiss industry's access to large-scale foreign infrastructure projects.
Various projects in Niger
Capacity building in MRM of entire SC staff Niger.
Switzerland Comundo MRM Mandate
Advisory to coach and support Comundo in the development of their MRM System on organizational level.