Annual Report 2023

2023 was defined by significant upheaval in international development cooperation. In addition to poverty, people in our project countries are increasingly afflicted by armed conflicts and natural disasters as a consequence of climate change. Nevertheless, we believe that a far-reaching approach to development cooperation adapted to local contexts is more important than ever.

“In times of crisis, foresight is key”

Thomas D. Meyer, Chairman, and Philippe Schneuwly, CEO, explain how global conflicts and challenges such as climate change affect our work, and how despite this, our projects continue to be implemented successfully thanks to their ability to adapt to unusual situations.


The private sector as Partner
For over 60 years, Swisscontact has been working with the private sector to foster sustainable development, incomes, and jobs in developing countries and emerging markets. We believe this collaboration enhances the impact and sustainability of our interventions. Together, we can achieve more.
Results and Impact 2023
Swisscontact relies on systematic impact measurement. Consistent and comparable tracking and measurement of results in different projects are integral parts of project management and quality assurance for us.
Highlights 2023
A few glimpses into some our areas of focus in 2023: Together for Sustainable Development – Vocational Training as a Cornerstone of Fair Income Distribution – A Circular Economy with Swiss Expertise
A sustainability strategy with a solid foundation 
With our sustainability strategy, Swisscontact starts 2024 from a perfect position to deliver even more for donors, partners and beneficiaries. We have identified new opportunities which will increase our impact and we have put additional measures in place to manage risks.

Project Case Studies

A Solid Foundation: Promoting Vocational Education in the Ukrainian Construction Sector
Since March 2020, Swisscontact has been supporting the construction sector in Ukraine, in order to train qualified technicians. EdUP (Public-Private Partnership to Improved Professional Education in Ukraine) is designed to align the private-sector led vocational education system to the needs of the labour market, upgrading the training of tradespeople in the construction industry to meet EU standards.
An entrepreneurial Vision for Niger’s Digital Future
Niger ranks among the world’s poorest countries. Despite the Sahel region’s interior harbouring valuable raw materials, the majority of the country’s gross domestic product is earned in agriculture and the informal sector. Approximately 80 percent of the population survives on subsistence agriculture, and nearly half of Nigeriens live in extreme poverty. The goal of Swisscontact’s local entrepreneurship promotion programme (PROMEL) is to improve collaboration with institutional partners and the private sector, improving access to markets for businesses, and creating income opportunities for women and young people through educational qualifications.
Financial Statement 2023