Our development programme: Development through innovative solutions     

Our development programme is the centrepiece of Swisscontact. In 2024, it encompassed 30 projects in 21 countries. In the development programme we test new ideas and further develop existing innovations that have been proven effective over time.  We link Swiss and international actors from the public and private sector as well as academia. In this way the programme supports cross-sectoral approaches and cooperation.  

Within the development programme, similar approaches are implemented in various countries. Project teams develop successful solutions, methods, and innovations through regular exchange and adapt these to the local context. Thus, we are implementing global best practices on the local level, comparing solutions in different country contexts and developing them further.


Our Impact in 2023

Amidst rising global tensions and challenges, we made significant progress in 2023. Despite worldwide political unrest and its impact on the economy and the humanitarian situation, our competent partners and project teams have demonstrated persistence and commitment. The year 2023 stood as a testament to the ability to respond to difficulties and achieve positive results. Our development program was able to achieve overwhelming success thanks to the continuous support and remarkable commitment of our partners, which testify to their amazing ability to work constructively and effectively even under difficult conditions. The results underline the immense potential of the Development Programme, allowing us to look forward with confidence to the future. 


Skills & Employability

Access to high-quality education is essential for marginalized persons to gain the necessary skills required in the job market. Our efforts focus on empowering these groups by providing them with practical skills and abilities that will enable them to secure profitable jobs or start their own businesses. In 2023, our initiatives yielded the following outcomes: 

CHF 0 million

Income Increase

achieved by people who benefited from the programme






(61% women) found a job or self-employment

More results

  • 11 428 target group members (46% women) accessed new or improved Technical and Vocational Education and Training services.
  • 24 477 people (49% women) accessed new or improved services in Labour Market insertion and Skills Recognition provided by public and private partners.
  • 337 116 people were reached with awareness-raising campaigns.


Enterprise & Productivity

Swisscontact enhances the productivity of established and emerging micro, small, and medium-scale farms and businesses. We aim at increasing their competitiveness and generating greater additional net income as well as creating job opportunities. The following results were achieved in 2023:  

CHF 0 million

income increase

created by 13 657 farmers, entrepreneurs, and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises



created or maintained


Tonnes of Co2


More results

  • 1 772 people (51% women) were given access to clean drinking water.
  • 344 153 persons (44% women) gained improved access to entrepreneurship support and national and international sales markets.
  • 1 201 534 were reached with awareness-raising campaigns.


Development programme areas of focus

Development programme activities are categorized in seven core thematic areas:   

  • Vocational education and training
  • Labour market insertion
  • Upskilling and reskilling
  • Sustainable agriculture
  • Green cities
  • Trade facilitation
  • Entrepreneurial ecosystem development 

Teaching, training, empowering

Rooted in a private-sector mindset and approach, we act as a facilitator and trainer for our local partners, be they state, private, or civil society actors.

For their part, our partners create an enabling environment for disadvantaged women and men for them to be able to escape poverty through their own efforts. That means Swisscontact is empowering local actors, thereby strengthening their sense of ownership and personal responsibility. 

Our objectives from 2021 to 2024

  • From 2021 until 2024 the programme will reach 106,800 youth, young adults, farmers, working women, and businesses.
  • Thanks to the projects in the development programme, 7,700 new jobs will be created.
  • Through campaigns on the subject of recycling, safe living, and clean drinking water, we are sensitizing 370,000 households.
  • We support local communities and citizens in their efforts to enhance their resilience through the promotion of climate-friendly agriculture and strengthening participation in civil society.
  • Through the development programme 33,000 tonnes of waste will be recycled and 9,700 tonnes of CO2 equivalents saved.


The projects constitute a part of Swisscontact’s Development Programme.  The Swiss Agency of Development and Cooperation (SDC) under the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) will only contribute financially if the project costs are not completely covered by other partner financing. The SDC commits to covering up to 30% of the costs of the entire Development Programme.

Would you like to support our development programme? Click on the link below or contact us. We’ll be happy to provide any information you would like.    

Annual report 2023
Last year, the Development Programme comprised 31 projects in 21 countries.
Report 2017 - 2020
Long lasting partnerships contribute to sustainable development
Your donation
Join us – together we can achieve sustainable progress for local people
Burkina Faso
El Salvador
Working area
Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Green cities
Initial vocational education and training
Labour market insertion
Sustainable tourism
Sustainable agriculture
Upskilling and Reskilling

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News from the development programme projects