Local construction materials open up new professional horizons

Sustainable tourism
One of the objectives of the Switzerland-Morocco Sustainable Tourism Programme is to improve the quality of rural lodgings. This will result in more overnight stays and happier guests. However, quality not only encompasses lodgings, but also professional visitor management services.

Interview with Moulay Ali Amerghas

Moulay Ali Amerghas is a builder and currently involved in construction of the Gîtes Aoujgal and Chez Saadiya et Mustapha guest houses. 

What was a new experience for you at the construction site?

It was an honour for me. I not only learned many new techniques, but I also began working with local and sustainable construction materials like stone and pisée (rammed earth), provided by nature.  To be honest, today I prefer working on such construction sites and on projects with which I feel closely connected and for which I can take responsibility. I received good support, and even the payment procedures were correct and efficient. Earning a living is already something, but appreciation of my work is even more important to me; and it was Swisscontact that brought me this very appreciation. The guidance provided by the Swisscontact team, with quick agreement and reaction times – that was a new thing for me and highly motivating.

This project opened up new professional horizons for me.

Moulay Ali Amerghas

Until now I usually worked at municipal building construction sites. The tourism sector was new for me, I didn’t know the field of overhauls and renovation. The aesthetic and practical element of these projects really spoke to me and I learned a lot. With this knowledge I’d like to specialize in the construction of tourist lodgings.

Mutual trust is important for a successful partnership. Did you experience that here?

Actually, at the construction site we had to deal with a few technical limitations and requirements by the property owner. Each time we sat down, discussed and found solutions together. What was important was that we trusted each other and thus made progress.

The Béni Mellal-Khénifra region is of strategic interest, due to its history and geographic position near the Atlas Mountains, its wealth of natural and historic sites, and spiritual heritage.

The Switzerland-Morocco Sustainable Tourism Programme: Swiss expertise for sustainable development of tourism.

The Switzerland-Morocco strategic partnership is helping to strengthen sustainable tourism in the   Beni Mellal-Khénifra region. The purpose of economic collaboration and development of the Swiss State Secretariat of Economic Affairs (SECO) in the tourism sector is to support development of the sustainable tourism value chain in our partner countries to strengthen the economy, create jobs, and fight poverty.

The programme is pursuing numerous objectives, working to improve the quality of lodgings in rural areas in consideration of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) and its internationally recognised sustainability criteria. In consideration of these criteria, the programme hopes to improve infrastructure and facilities at rural lodgings, as well as visitor reception management.

The programme is financed by SECO, with a national share of 12%.

2020 - 2024
Sustainable tourism
Switzerland-Morocco Sustainable Tourism Programme
The Swiss-Moroccan sustainable tourism programme aims to support the provinces of Azilal and Beni Mellal in developing sustainable tourism with integrated sectors in order to reduce poverty, create income and new jobs and improve existing jobs, particularly for young people and women.