EuroCham and SDP Launched Skills Gap Assessment Report

Upskilling and Reskilling
EuroCham Cambodia and the Skills Development Programme (SDP), a project mandated by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by Swisscontact, launched the EuroCham Skills Gap Assessment 2024, a research-based analysis of Cambodia’s labour market.

The report aims to help policymakers, development partners, and private sector actors better understand the country’s skills gaps. Most importantly, the end goal is to help the Cambodian workforce increase their chances for better employment opportunities and higher incomes by supporting more dynamic and targeted training platforms. 

The study surveyed 106 companies on their hiring ambitions, skills gaps, and training priorities for 2024 with a focus on five key sectors: electrical, mechanical, construction, tourism and hospitality, and manufacturing. The findings reveal a substantial need for both technical and soft skills training, with leadership, quality control, and project management topping the list for most-needed skills.

"As Cambodia embarks to graduate from the Least Developed Country (LDC) status by 2030, skills will be the driver for the growth of Cambodia. Hence this assessment is very timely."
Rajiv Pradhan, Swisscontact Cambodia Country Director
"By supporting and investing in your staff's learning, you develop a talent pool that elevates both your company and the business community around you. The combination of prosperous businesses and empowered people will make Cambodia a more alluring place to live and invest in."
Narath CHHEAV, Chairman of EuroCham’s Human Resources Committee
"The fact that the majority of companies surveyed are willing to invest in the professional development of their employees shows that the private sector in Cambodia is ready and willing to do its part to improve the country’s competitiveness."
Chris Ramseier, Expert of Senior Expert Contact (SEC) programme of Swisscontact who consulted on the report

As a next step, EuroCham is supporting in the crafting of training proposals, which will be considered for co-financing by the Skills Development Fund (SDF) – administered by the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

"We look forward to working together with our members and local training institutes to design training programmes focused on Cambodia’s evolving workforce needs. The SDF have also been very supportive, and we will explore co-financing trainings with them to make them more accessible and affordable across the country."
Zandre Van Straten, Services Coordinator at EuroCham

EuroCham’s Training Academy has also acted on the survey findings by revising its training plans to better align with the most in-demand skills identified across all sectors. On 11-12 July, EuroCham is offering a Project Management training course.

2024 - 2028
Initial vocational education and training, Labour market insertion, Sustainable tourism
Skills Development Programme (SDP)
The overall goal of the Skills Development Programme (SDP) is for disadvantaged young women and men and low-skilled workers in five rural provinces of Cambodia (Preah Vihear, Stung Treng, Kratie, Mondulkiri and Rattanakiri) to gain access to decent employment and increased income.