Skills Development Programme (SDP)

The overall goal of the Skills Development Programme (SDP) is for disadvantaged young women and men and low-skilled workers to have better access to decent employment and increased income. To achieve this goal, the SDP supports systemic changes that contribute to strengthening the functioning of the Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) system in Cambodia and the collaboration among its key stakeholders to achieve better outcomes in skills development and enable young women and men to gain better future perspectives and income generation.
Preah Vihear
Stung Treng
Mondulkiri Province
Ratanakiri Province
Pursat Province
Krong Battambang
Pailin Province
Banteay Meanchey Province
Oddar Meanchey Province
Koh Kong
Kampong Chhnang
Project duration
2024 - 2028
  • Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
  • Liechtenstein Development Service (LED)

The Skills Development Programme (SDP) is a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) co-funded by the Liechtenstein Development Service (LED). The SDP Phase 3 from 2024 to 2028 is implemented by Swisscontact in consortium with involas and in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MLVT), and the Ministry of Tourism (MoT). The programme works closely with the government at national and sub-national levels and with partners such as public and non-governmental training providers as well as private companies and small enterprises in the hospitality and other sectors.

The project

The Skills Development Programme (SDP) is a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) co-funded by the Liechtenstein Development Service (LED). The SDP Phase 3 from 2024 to 2028 is implemented by Swisscontact in consortium with involas and in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MLVT), and the Ministry of Tourism (MoT). The programme works closely with the government at national and sub-national levels and with partners such as public and non-governmental training providers as well as private companies and small enterprises in the hospitality and other sectors.

SDP Phase 3 is structured into three intervention areas by

  • Focusing on further promoting and strengthening mechanisms and coordinating bodies and structures for increased communication and dialogue as a basis for improved collaboration and for the MLVT to better coordinate and manage ongoings in the TVET sector;
  • Supporting the TVET school development in accordance with the National Quality Assurance System. The focus will be on the following key areas of school development essential to effective operations and be built on the experiences and lessons learned in Phase 2, continuing best practices and processes:
    - Strengthening the governance and management structures of the target Provincial Training Centres (PTCs) and Technical Training Institutes (TTIs)
    - Enhancing the quality and efficiency of training delivery
    - Expanding the outreach and accessibility of TVET programmes
  • Supporting the HoKa to enhance the quality and accessibility of professional hospitality skills in alignment with national and regional qualification frameworks, fostering cooperation among government agencies, the private sector, non-governmental organisations, and other relevant stakeholders.

INTERVENTION AREA 1: TVET Governance and Coordination
The SDP plays a role as a facilitator to promote a culture of collaboration and communication at national and sub-national levels, engaging a range of relevant TVET stakeholders, aiming at increasing collaboration and synchronising efforts towards a common vision for the TVET sector development. The focus will be on further promoting and strengthening mechanisms and coordinating bodies and structures for enhanced communication and dialogue as a basis for improved collaboration and for the MLVT to better coordinate and manage ongoing activities in the TVET sector.

INTERVENTION AREA 2: TVET and Skills Providers Development
The SDP will act as a facilitator to support the partner TVET schools in development processes in the above-mentioned focus areas. The support provided consists of the integrated SDP team members into selected TVET schools, backstoppers, and short-term national and international experts, who will provide targeted guidance and support on identified topics and processes. Successes will be synthesized into guidelines and standard operating procedures to ensure consistency and quality in TVET schools. In addition, in collaboration with Intervention Area 1, continuous policy dialogues will be held with governing bodies and other relevant stakeholders to feed lessons learned, challenges and good practices into the national system.

INTERVENTION AREA 3: Hospitality Kampuchea (Hoka)
The SDP will continue to support the HoKa Steering Committee of the Ministry of Tourism to improve the quality and accessibility of professional hospitality skills in line with national and regional qualification frameworks through collaboration between government agencies, the private sector, non-governmental organisations and other relevant stakeholders to support and sustain tourism and hospitality skills development. SDP phase 3 will emphasise "Greening HoKa" aligns with both regional and national frameworks: ASEAN Green Hotel Standard and Cambodia’s Green Hotel Standard.

Expected Results Phase 3 (2024-2028)

A total of 13,430 beneficiaries will be reached throughout SDP Phase 3, out of them:

  • 5,300 disadvantaged young women and men aged (15-35) (50% of whom are women).
  • 4,200 existing workers undergoing the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) assessment (50% of whom are women)
  • 3,040 low-skilled workers from the hospitality sector (50% of whom are women)
  • 890 trainers, assessors, and management staff of relevant TVET stakeholders (34% of whom are women). 

Key results from Phase 2 (2020 - 2024)

Project Partners


Learn the Cooking Skill of the HoKa Training Programme of the Ministry of Tourism
Meet young woman Yen Soriya, Changkrang commune assistant and former TVET graduate
Green TVET practices in TVET institutions


June 2024
March 2024
December 2023



Initial vocational education and training, Labour market insertion, Sustainable tourism, Upskilling and Reskilling
More than 13.000 Cambodian disadvantaged youth and low-skilled workers in 12 provinces will benefit from the Skills Development Programme Phase 3
The SDP Phase 3 from 2024-2028 was officially launched in early 2025 in three provinces of Cambodia, Kampong Chhnang, Battambang and Koh Kong, with the high representative of key ministries, partners and provincial governors. Covering 12 provinces across Cambodia, the overall goal of the Skills Development Programme (SDP) is to improve access to decent employment and increase incomes for disadvantaged young women and men and low-skilled workers.
Upskilling and Reskilling, Labour market insertion, Initial vocational education and training
Official Launch of the Skills Development Programme Phase 3 (2024-2028)
The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training and the Skills Development Programme (SDP) officially launched Phase 3 (2024-2028) of the SDP to provide disadvantaged youth in 12 provinces of Cambodia with better skills for a better life.
Upskilling and Reskilling, Initial vocational education and training, Labour market insertion, Sustainable tourism
HoKa Training Programme Phase 3 Launched to Benefit Over 3,500 Disadvantaged Youth
The Hospitality Kampuchea (HoKa) Training Programme has entered its third phase (2024-2028) to provide quality hospitality vocational training to approximately 3,520 disadvantaged young women and men and low-skilled workers. The initiative aims to equip them with the skills needed for decent employment and higher incomes while promoting sustainable tourism development in Cambodia's target provinces.