Swisscontact at the International Cooperation Forum 2023

Initial vocational education and training, Upskilling and Reskilling, Labour market insertion
At the International Cooperation Forum on 15-16 February 2023 in Geneva, Swisscontact shared its experience in vocational education and training and presented five projects.

Primary education and vocational training are important cornerstones of Switzerland's international cooperation. Ignazio Cassis, Federal Councillor and Head of Department of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), pointed out in his address how dual vocational education and training was particularly important to Switzerland's success story.

The second edition of the annual International Cooperation (IC) Forum focused on "Education4Future". The hybrid event offered a varied insight into different initiatives and projects that pursue the common goal of strengthening education in the global South. SDC Director Patricia Danzi reminded the audience that the promotion of education at all levels in the partner countries of international cooperation continues to require a great deal of commitment and, above all, financial support.

Projects from different regions showcased at the IC Forum

Swisscontact was able to showcase its broad project portfolio and how it is working towards more relevance of (vocational) education and training offers and stronger resilience of education systems. Besides Swisscontact having a stand in the marketplace, five projects supported by Switzerland and implemented by Swisscontact were presented and discussed on the main stage and in the working sessions.

Javier Morrón Aguilera, former student at ENSEC Technical Institute

Better prospects for young people in Bolivia thanks to vocational training

The Professional Technical Training project in Bolivia kicked things off in a live broadcast to La Paz during the opening session. It explained how access to technical education and training can be improved. A project partner, the ENSEC Technical Institute, presented its work and showed what has been achieved so far. Beneficiaries also had their say, such as former student Javier Morrón Aguilera. The training courses at the partner institutions strengthen the employability of graduates and help to reduce poverty and boost economic growth.

ASTHA trained teachers from Radda Paramedic Training Institute to create interactive learning content so that healthcare workers are able to complete the training via e-learning platform.

Online training for healthcare workers in Bangladesh

The second part of the programme, the parallel working sessions, focused on three other Swisscontact projects. Nowsheen Sharmila, communications officer for the ASTHA project, explained to the audience how the project in Bangladesh responded quickly to the COVID-19 pandemic by helping to develop a digital platform for training content.

Future-oriented skills: How the project in Ukraine adapted to the changed circumstances

Swisscontact's Country Director in Ukraine, Sonja Loosli, showed how the EdUP project provides access to substantial training courses for aspiring plumbers, even under the most difficult conditions in Ukraine.

Market-oriented skills for students and a strengthened vocational education system in Indonesia

Programme Manager Daniel Weibel described in detail the experiences of the two projects Skills for Competitiveness and Sustainable Tourism Education Development Project in Indonesia. These have not only helped vocational schools to offer better training, but at the same time have strengthened the vocational training system on a systemic level.

The showcased projects

2018 - 2023
Initial vocational education and training
Professional technical training Bolivia
Financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, this project focused on labour market integration for young people.
2024 - 2026
Initial vocational education and training
High-quality healthcare services in rural areas
This project is financed by Novartis, the Evi Diethelm Winteler Stiftung, and the Laguna Foundation, among other donors. It is part of the Swisscontact Development Programme, which is co-financed by SDC, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA.
2020 - 2027
Initial vocational education and training
Public Private Partnership to Improved Professional Education in Ukraine
This project is mandated by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, co-financed by Geberit, with the overall goal to create better income opportunities for plumbers graduating from Ukrainian VET schools.
2018 - 2023
Initial vocational education and training, Upskilling and Reskilling
Skills for Competitiveness (S4C)
S4C is a bilateral Swiss-Indonesian project financed by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).
2018 - 2022
Initial vocational education and training, Sustainable tourism
Sustainable Tourism Education Development Project
Financed by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO, the project worked towards a better-qualified workforce with relevant skills for the tourism sector.