Youth in Morogoro Region showcase their vocational skills at Skills Bonanza

Initial vocational education and training
Promoting and raising awareness of vocational skills development (VSD) have been showcased at a regional level in Morogoro. Across the region, around 13,000 people participated in a series of five mini-Skills Bonanzas[1] in the districts of Malinyi, Mlimba, Kilosa, Mvomero, and Gairo. During these events, trained youth showed off their skills in competitions linked to VSD. These games included creating clothing from cutting different types of paper to demonstrate tailoring skills and grinding the white meat (copra) from a coconut to show an aspect of food processing.

The top five winners from each of these district events (25 in total) came together for a regional Skills Bonanza in Morogoro town on 2nd December. These 25 young people have participated in the Skills for Employment Tanzania (SET) project, implemented by Swisscontact and Opportunities for Youth Employment (OYE) implemented by SNV (Netherlands Development Organisation), both funded by the Embassy of Switzerland. They were joined by the Guest of Honour, the Regional Commissioner of Morogoro, H.E. Adam Malima, the Ambassador of Switzerland to Tanzania, H.E. Didier Chassot, local government representatives, private and NGO representatives, and community members.

These youth, winners from their districts had another opportunity to showcase their talents. During this regional Skills Bonanza, youth were given the chance to exhibit their products as well. This allowed the youth to explain their product to participants at the event and sell their items. This served as a platform for marketing their products, promoting the impact of VSD and creating awareness of the SET and OYE projects.

The Regional Commissioner of Morogoro, H.E. Adam Malima (with the white cap) and the Ambassador of Switzerland to Tanzania, H.E. Didier Chassot meeting youth from the SET project

During the event, five youth were honoured with prizes in relation to their respective activities. They were selected from young people who had undergone vocational training through the SET and OYE projects. They were identified as role models due to how they had succeeded in their businesses and lives following their training.

From left to right, H.E. Regional Commissioner of Morogoro, Adam Malima, Amina Shabani SET beneficiary and tailor, the Ambassador of Switzerland to Tanzania, H.E. Didier Chassot and the Chairperson of MWIWAMORO Mr. Seleman Balali handing over a sewing machine stand to Amina after winning one of the best youth prizes.

Amina Shabani, one of the five winners expressed, "This is unbelievable. I could not have imagined that one day I would become a winner among all the youth who received training from the SET project. I know that if you have true passion and determination, you can achieve your dreams. This serves as a call to action for me, I should keep making changes to my life and impacting the lives of others."

Amina, from Mvomero district, participated in the SET training in 2021, focusing on tailoring and entrepreneurship. She learned how to design, cut, sew, and finish clothing for men, women, and children. Since the training, she has successfully established her own business and started her own tailoring school within her community. Five students have graduated from Amina’s class, with another five currently learning. Amina is inspiring and uplifting others through teaching what she has learned.

The Guest of Honour, H.E. Regional Commissioner of Morogoro, Adam Malima, commented, "I would like to express gratitude to the federal government of Switzerland for funding the SET and OYE projects, which have positively impacted the lives of many youth in Morogoro and Tanzania at large through Vocational Skills Development. We sincerely appreciate this support and commend the collaboration in transforming the lives of youth and their families. We look forward to continued cooperation, which provides the necessary support to ensure these projects bring about positive change for many more youth and the community in general."

The Ambassador of Switzerland to Tanzania, H.E. Didier Chassot, concluded, "I extend my thanks to all of you for your commitment and for taking the time to join us in Morogoro today for the Skills Bonanza. Your presence here is truly appreciated. The skills you have acquired from the SET and OYE projects are valuable, and I encourage you to continue using that knowledge to enhance your lives and contribute to the community. The federal government of Switzerland remains committed to supporting youth through Vocational Skills Development in Tanzania."

[1] In Tanzania, a bonanza serves as the preferred platform for bringing people together, particularly at a specific event, to effectively convey messages to targeted groups. Bonanzas involve various sports, games, and diverse activities in which people, especially youth, actively participate.

2022 - 2026
Initial vocational education and training, Labour market insertion
Skills for Employment Tanzania

The Skills for Employment Tanzania (SET) Project seeks to improve self-employment prospects among the youth through the contribution to improved access, relevance and quality of vocational skills development.
Youth have difficulty finding employment due to limited access to skills training and a mismatch between available skills training and the...