Supporting Dual Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Rwanda

The Dual TVET project aims to institutionalise and scale the dual model in Rwanda by strengthening the linkages between vocational training institutions and the labor market. Swisscontact supports the Rwanda TVET Board on developing industry-driven training programs that enhance employability and economic growth.
Swisscontact rwanda
Project duration
2025 - 2026
Financed by
  • Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC

Rwanda is undergoing a structural transformation to become an upper-middle-income country by 2035. This requires a skilled workforce to meet labor market demands. The Dual TVET project builds upon the successful piloting of dual apprenticeships in the Western Province, as part of the Swisscontact PROMOST project 2012-2023. It aims to improve the quality of TVET through collaboration with the private sector, policy development, and capacity-building initiatives.

The Project

The Dual TVET project, implemented by Rwanda TVET Board, addresses the gap between TVET training and labor market needs. Through a public-private partnership approach, the project strengthens the role of industry in skills development. Key activities include:

  • Expanding the dual training model in key trades nationwide.
  • Strengthening capacity-building for TVET institutions and trainers.
  • Enhancing industry engagement to ensure market-relevant training.
  • Developing policy frameworks for sustainable TVET governance.

Swisscontact supports the Rwanda TVET Board by providing technical support, capacity-building, and advisory services.


Project goals

  • Institutionalize dual TVET within Rwanda’s education system.
  • Strengthen private sector engagement in TVET programs.
  • Enhance employability and entrepreneurship among TVET graduates.

Expected results

  • More than 1500 students will be enrolled in 16 TVET schools and companies which will deliver the Dual TVET programs in the full qualification cycle.
  • Collaboration between skills development stakeholders, with specific focus on the private sector, will be boosted through promotional and dissemination campaigns, awareness raising events, targeted capacity-building.
  • Dual TVET is institutionalised by adjusting the existing legal framework, strategic documents and assessment standards.