Advisory, Training and Research Services

Swisscontact offers customised consultancy and capacity development services. With our team of experts, we provide thematic guidance as well as strategic support across the project cycle and in team and organisational development.

Swisscontact believes that development interventions create lasting and widespread prosperity in developing and emerging economies. We focus on inclusive economic development and offer our clients with a comprehensive range of services that combine our implementation expertise and experience with advisory, research, and training to address key challenges.

Our team of experts provides bespoke consultancy services that offer thematic guidance and strategic support at every stage of the project cycle.

We implement our services together with our subsidiary company Springfield, specialist in the art of systems development. Together we better deliver our shared goal of reducing poverty through sustainable and inclusive economic development.


We offer holistic support, from tailored advisory to training and research. 

Our advisory services include:

  • Scoping and design of programmes, projects, and interventions
  • Development of sustainability strategy for programmes and projects
  • Strategy development and mentoring to support programme staff in developping and managing interventions, and regular external strategic advice to improve implementation
  • Participatory and inclusive process design
  • Monitoring and results measurement support to demonstrate and improve impact
  • Strategic reviews (including annual reviews) to enable adaptive and responsive programming
  • Knowledge capitalisation processes and case study development to enable donors and implementers to capture lessons that can inform performance and wider good practice
  • Facilitation of small and large events and meetings
  • Selection and implementation of e-learning and instructional design platforms and applications


Project Examples


We bring together the evidence from research, implementation and advisory work in a coherent way that is relevant to individuals, teams and organisations working on complex development challenges.

This includes tailored training on:

  • Systems Development Approaches
  • Monitoring and Results Measurement
  • Developing and nurturing Communities of Practice for development
  • Skills development and labour market insertion
  • Sustainable Tourism Destination Management
  • Investment Promotion & Facilitation
  • Commodity and value chain mapping


Project Examples


We conduct applied research on development practice and apply it to our own projects and beyond. We work with other leading development research partners to ensure we are always at the cutting edge. And we use our findings to improve our own training and consultancy services and to develop innovative solutions.

Our research includes:

  • Market systems analysis to identify opportunities and inform the design of interventions that can catalyse market growth
  • Programme evaluations that validate results and draw lessons for future programming
  • Feasibility studies to inform the design of programmes and interventions
  • Action research and rapid evaluations (e.g. rapid labour market assessments) to support adaptive management
  • Impact studies, including ex-post evaluations and rigorous methodologies


Project Examples

Thematic consultants

Switzerland (Head Office)