Implemented by Swisscontact and financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), this initiative is part of the Swiss Cooperation's Great Lakes Regional Cooperation Strategy 2022-2025 and is related to the Employment & Economic Development Domain. It thus contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 4 "Quality Education", and SDG 8 "Decent Work and Economic Growth" (more specifically 8.3: the creation of decent jobs, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation stimulate the growth of micro, small and medium enterprises and facilitate their integration into the formal sector). Finally, PROMOST is aligned with Burundi's National Development Plan (NDP), and in particular with the 2nd strategic orientation "developing human capital" and axis 5 "Strengthening the Education System and Improving the Quality of Education and Training Provision".
In the continuity of the 3 previous phases of PROMOST, during phase IV of the Programme (2023-2025), the aim will be to capitalise on the lessons learned so far and to scale up the innovations piloted in the Great Lakes region, in the fields of vocational guidance and integration, vocational and technical training, The aim of the project is to strengthen the collaboration between the stakeholders of the TVET system, by bringing about endogenous changes in line with the existing reference frameworks, and in relation to vocational training.
Following on from Phases II and III, the implementation of PROMOST IV will be based on a systemic approach to TVET development, working from the bottom up, where good practices are first tested at the local level, then scaled up and validated at the provincial and national levels. This is to ensure that lessons learned at the local level are reflected in TVET policies and regulations. Although PROMOST IV continues to work at the local level, during this phase the Programme focuses on capacity building at the provincial and national levels, in order to institutionalise and sustain the interventions implemented in Phases II and III.
The expected impact of the programme is to increase levels of employment/self-employment and income generation for young people through demand-driven quality vocational education and training, labour market insertion, and increased private sector engagement.
To this end, the overall objectives of PROMOST IV by the end of 2025 are articulated around 3 axes of intervention:
The specific results by axis of intervention are as follows:
Capacity building of existing professional associations in key trades